Monday, April 2, 2012

The Truth About Wal-Mart

Write a summary of what you believe is good or bad about Wal-Mart? In what way do Wal-Mart policies and strategies conform or conflict to the 7 principles of Catholic Social teaching? Would you ever consider working for Wal-Mart? Why or why not? After watching these documentaries, do you think you would think twice about shopping at big-retail stores?

I think the only thing good about wal-mart is its low prices. Everything else is completely unfair. The way they treat their employees is horrible because people are not being paid enough for the amount of hours they work. Wal-mart also puts other smaller businesses out of business, which is not good for the small business owners and their families.After watching the documentaries about wal-mart i would never work their because of how unfair they are. I definitely also think twice about shopping in the big-retail stores.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Is Nicki MInaj possessed?"

I agree that Nicki Minaj's wardrobe and performance was very offensive. Before reading the article i didn't even understand why she would think to do this. I agree with the statement in the article, "Never would they allow an artist to insult Judaism or Islam." They wouldn't also that fact that Nicki had the nerve to mock the catholic church after the beautiful prayer and reflection in the beginning of the show.

On the other hand, after reading this article i got to thinking maybe Nicki already knew it was offensive going into the performance. After the big sex abuse scandal, the church barely punished those priests when they should have been. It seems like the Church just almost ignored it and wanted to forget about it as soon as possible. Nicki might have just been trying to make a statement that people didn't just forget the situation like it was a 5th grade fight. People are still thinking about it and maybe she is trying to show that they can't get away with such a scandal so easily.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


First of all i would like to announce that i have signed both petitions to protect workers making apple products.Even though i am an apple material user and i would be really upset if their materials were discontinued. i think the way the workers making all the apple materials are treated very unfairly.i think it would be fair if the workers' pay was increased and they were put in better working conditions. The Apple company has so much money and barely any of it seems to be going to the people who actually make the products. It's not fair and i hope the petitions will make a difference.